Gretchen's father, Jan (Ralph Lewis) is tricked into engraving plates in a counterfeiting scheme. Although the film's melting pot sensibilities are ethnically-sensitive, all things considered, Jan is something of a dolt--the appearance of which isn't helped by the comedic rendering of the Dutch-English vernacular on the title cards. The father and daughter are kidnapped and pursued in a rather impressive sequence befitting of D.W. Griffith (of whom the Franklin brothers were something of a protege). The editing is fast-paced, the locations are gripping, and the children are charming. One of the orphans is on to the crime syndicate and as Jan is drugged, smuggled away on a fake ambulance and ferried aboard a private ship (remember, this isn't Judex), we are even treated to one of my favorite title cards of all time: "Little Micky suspicious". Like The Liquorice Kid in Judex, Little Micky leads the police to the hideout in time for Gretchen and Pietro to get married.
Though it is unfair to expect Little Micky Suspicious: The Movie in 1916 (or any year), the film banks too much on Gish in an underdeveloped, milquetoast role. Though no fault of her own, Gish's Gretchen is the least interesting thing about the project. While head and shoulders above many A-features of its time, Gretchen The Greenhorn forgivably stutter-steps its way through much of the narrative, but makes up for it in a sincere view of the American melting-pot, on-location alley/tenement shots and a gripping conclusion. -- **½ / four stars
Little Micky rules.