"Parks and Recreation"
"Glee" still has one episode left, and I’m pretty confident that I’m going to love it, so I have no problem including it here. You see, "Glee" isn’t all that good anymore. Characters have all become caricatures, bending and swaying to the will of whichever writer wrote that particular episode that's airing at the time. Plot is determined by song choice, not the other way around. And the cast has gotten too big to get close to any of them. And yet, I still watch. Why? Because the episodes where the Glee Club are in competitions make it worth it. Every single time something big happens; someone admits their love for another, someone takes their role as a leader, someone gives birth, etc. And the musical numbers are usually pretty great. So this season, I’ve basically been tolerating the episodes in between the good stuff, because the good stuff is, though cheesy and over the top, so GOOD. And Tuesday’s episode should not disappoint.
"Glee" still has one episode left, and I’m pretty confident that I’m going to love it, so I have no problem including it here. You see, "Glee" isn’t all that good anymore. Characters have all become caricatures, bending and swaying to the will of whichever writer wrote that particular episode that's airing at the time. Plot is determined by song choice, not the other way around. And the cast has gotten too big to get close to any of them. And yet, I still watch. Why? Because the episodes where the Glee Club are in competitions make it worth it. Every single time something big happens; someone admits their love for another, someone takes their role as a leader, someone gives birth, etc. And the musical numbers are usually pretty great. So this season, I’ve basically been tolerating the episodes in between the good stuff, because the good stuff is, though cheesy and over the top, so GOOD. And Tuesday’s episode should not disappoint.
Honestly, off the top of my head, I can’t really recall any "Bones" episodes prior to the last two of the season. I know they happened, and I know I enjoyed them, but the penultimate episode was so good, it blew them all out of the water. Also, the fact that fans everywhere are completely pissed off by how the writers/execs finally got the two leads together makes me kind of happy. Here’s how it happened. A beloved member of the lab was killed, it was horrible and a truly amazing death scene (bravo, Ryan Cartwright), so in her misery, Dr. Brennan cried her way into Booth’s bed. As far as the audience knew, they only slept. Later in that same episode, Brennan confides in her best friend about that night, but we don’t hear what she has to say. Then, in the next episode – and this is a HUGE spoiler if you aren’t caught up- Brennan reveals that she’s pregnant with Booth’s baby. It’s genius if you really think about it. We don’t even see them kiss, but we get them together. We won’t have to deal with them dating next season because they already skipped a bunch of steps. What this means for season seven is that we still get the crime fighting, the arguing, the sexual tension, but we also know they are together. I realize that the true “shippers” are disappointed. They wanted the passionate kiss, the heartfelt plea, but mostly the somewhat graphic sex scene, but instead they now have to rely on their imagination. How unfortunate. I am completely happy with how this turned out, I can’t even explain how annoyed I would be if they had shown the “hook up” after that death scene, it would have sullied the inh
erent emotion in both moments; I wouldn’t have been able to be happy for the couple, because, let’s be honest here, I was a freaking mess for a good twelve hours after my favorite “Squintern” bit the dust, and everyone everywhere would have been talking about the sex scene rather than the heartbreaking death of Mr. Nigel-Murray. Well done, "Bones" people, well done.

Ashton Kutcher & "Two and A Half Men"
"Chuck" is not as good as it used to be. I think we can all agree on that one, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good. And the brilliant last few seconds of season four means we'll get to see it get back to its roots come fall. Plus, I’m super excited that I get another summer of quoting “Guys, I know Kung Fu,” and having absolutely zero of my friends understand what I’m talking about. It’s a lonely world, being a TV geek. NBC has agreed to let "Chuck" come back for a final season that will air on Fridays. I’m excited for this move as long as it isn’t opposite "Fringe", of course. This season was lacking, true, but I’m incredibly thrilled to be able to see how it all ends. And to stop going to Subway so often.
The worst p

Summer is usually pretty slow for TV lovers like myself. All we have to comfort us is catching up on shows we leave for DVD releases and the stuff on USA Network. But have no fear, I have plenty of plans for my part in Flickdom Dictum and I hope you’ll stick around.
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